Tuesday, 28 August 2012

JS-3 (Roden 1/72)

Another old build. An JS-3 by Roden. Something made me think it could be a week-end project. In reality I spent at least a couple of weeks to finish it.

Constructora Field 2 (Steelworks 1/72)

Well, this time a souvenir from Spain, where I travel for vacation this summer. The model is a Spanish civil war armoured truck. Constructora Field 2 by Steelworks.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

MK IV Female. (Emhar 1/72)

MK IV Female

Well, finally I have something to post here. This time Emhar's MK IV finished as a museum display vehicle. Unfortunately I'm still lacking any good camera and the photographer himself still leaves much to be desired :)

Saturday, 7 July 2012

BAI-M (UM 1/72)

Here is one of my older models. Box says BA-I, but as there is a BA-6 body inside, so BAI-M is closer to the truth.
This is the case where I could not avoid more or less noticeable surgery. As I mentioned above the kit is mixture of BA-6 chassis and body and a BA-I turret. And the body is completely wrong. So I modified the rear part of it to make it look closer to original.
I also replaced the wheels with resin ones from Armory. I was quite frightened by the stories I had read on different forums about melting UM tyres.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Neubaufahrzeug (Dragon 1/72)

Second entry is Dragon's 1/72 Neubaufahrzeug (NbFz). This one is completely OOB built, however some areas deserve minor improvements.

Yes, I know that it might look a bit too worn for a vehicle which never saw real front-line action. But I was that evening in a mood to finish it that way.

Matilda II (Airfix 1/76)

I dedicate this blog to all the "out of the box" modellers.

For a start there is an old 1/76 Airfix Matilda 2, built basically straight from the box. I only replaced tools and filled the gaps. Unfortunately I didn't find a shovel in my spares box, so it lacks one.

I must say that I did liked building it. Somehow it gave me a feeling that I used to have building models in the 80's.

Painted with Vallejo acrylics and weathered with oils and pigments.